There are several ways to think about anything and everything. We can have a ‘balanced’ approach by which we think logically about a situation or we can have a ‘ruthless’ approach by which we jump in and not give much thought to what we are doing or we could be the procrastinator who waits and thinks too much about something…
Better brain, better body
Two years ago I had the great fortune to attend a seminar in San Francisco presented by Dr Daniel G Amen who is the Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behaviour and a clinical Specialist in Human Nutritional Medicine at the University of California. I was so thrilled to hear a highly skilled Professor lecture in Nutrition in a…
Diamonds, Botox and Hollywood
Two years ago I wrote a blog with the same title which was when I was last working here in Malibu California home to many ‘celebrity’ types; a very affluent society which always astounds me when I am here, particularly given the type of work I do. For anyone who has spent any time in America it is pretty safe…
Get organised
One of the biggest obstacles that I see for most people not achieving their fitness and wellbeing goals is not being organised. Let’s face it, the vast majority of us today are time poor and juggle a lot in our daily schedules and most of us would like to be in better shape, better health and look and feel better…
Keeping it real
In the craziness of life today we have become fixated on achieving the ‘perfect’ body going to any lengths to achieve it… somewhere along the way many of us have lost the notion of ‘keeping it real’ and being fit, strong and healthy. Every day I train people and have conversations with many about their bodies, their health and their…