One of the biggest obstacles that I see for most people not achieving their fitness and wellbeing goals is not being organised. Let’s face it, the vast majority of us today are time poor and juggle a lot in our daily schedules and most of us would like to be in better shape, better health and look and feel better than we currently do.
We are given one body – our vehicle that takes us through life and we have a choice as to whether we want to drive a Rolls Royce or a train wreck! The bottom line is if we don’t look after our body we stand a good chance of being plagued by health problems, feel less than ordinary and not give ourselves the best chance of living a healthy life, it really is that simple.
Genetics are the excuse that come up all the time and I believe each of us are dealt something within our genetic makeup that may work against us, however genetics alone don’t have to determine your potential as a human being and more to the point if you know there is a history of obesity or ‘genetic disease’ in your family’s history, then this is a good reason to choose not to fill the ‘fat bins’ or to take measures necessary not to carry on a particular disease or predisposition to an other- wise ‘lifestyle related disease’ for instance. This is where knowledge can certainly become power.
Every day I hear excuses from people about not getting a workout in or not eating well or making a small change and 99.9% of these excuses are born out of not being organised. There are 24 hours in a day and 168 hours in a week and each and every one of us has exactly the same amount of time to get it all done! Yes, some of us do work long hours and some of us do have ‘a lot on our plates’ however to function at an optimal level and feel great requires some work and commitment to exercise and eating well which in turn can help us be more productive in other areas of our lives.
So what does getting organised entail? Sometimes it is as simple as getting up half an hour earlier or preparing tomorrow’s lunch while cooking dinner the night before or leaving your workout gear ready the night before so you are ready to go. It could mean organising your work day better so you don’t waste time. It could mean organising your shopping list better so you are not ‘impulse buying’ crap food. Write out a menu plan for the week so you stick with a healthy eating regime. Organise your exercise plan for the week so you have a program or outline to follow. Book your exercise into your diary so you have to do it. Whatever it takes to create some positive change do it.
You really only need to ask yourself one question, do you want to be healthier, fitter, leaner and feel awesome? If the answer is yes, then it is up to you and it is a choice that you make. So stop blaming everyone and everything along with genetics and having no time. We are all in the same boat and some of us choose to power on and some choose to sink. What’s your choice?