I must say I have been somewhat remiss for the past few months from writing a blog as I’ve been a little busy….training my brain more than my body! The old saying ‘you learn something new every day’ is really true and most of us don’t even realise a lot of what we learn. Fortunately a lot of my learning this year has been of the intentional and positive kind in the form of study which I love. It really is stimulating to test the grey matter on a regular basis just as it is to go for a run or lift some weights for the body.
To say my year so far has been pretty busy is spot on. At the commencement of the year I finished a great course and am now an accredited Precision Nutrition coach. I also attended Filex which is the Australian Fitness Industry’s annual conference which was fantastic. Within this conference I attended a Personal Training Summit with Personal Trainers and Business owners from around the country and sat in on lectures from some of the best speakers and educators within the Fitness Industry from around the globe. Another highlight of this year was to attend lectures with one of my favourite Nutritionists Robert Yang from San diego USA as well as attending a Thought Leadership Program with another Industry expert and renowned Motivational speaker Matt Church.
A few months ago I became an Intern! That’s right, I did an Internship with one of the top Personal Trainers and Nutrition coaches in the country who not only kicked my butt in a training sense; he took my grey matter for a good workout also. It’s fair to say my brain has been stimulated somewhat….So here we are creeping into the end of July and staring down the barrel of spring and I still have a few courses to attend before the year’s end! I can definitely say that I try to keep up to date within this industry and love to do so.
Meanwhile Velocity Health and Fitness Club has been pumping out some fantastic results with our Personal Training clients since the beginning of the year with our team of Personal Trainers busy whipping everyone into shape. It is really satisfying to see people over a period of time getting fitter, healthier and stronger and reaching their goals. Our membership is stronger than ever and the support from our members and the results we achieve with our Personal Training clients makes it so rewarding. We get a real buzz when we see our members and clients smiling after a great workout. Friendships are made, bodies are re-shaped, lives are changed and at the end of the day we can go home satisfied we have made even a small difference.