One of the things I find a little confusing and comical at the same time is the common goal of getting into shape for that certain occasion. You know the one…the wedding, the birthday, reunion etc. Why is it that we need such an event to get into shape or to be fit and healthy? Shouldn’t we be getting into shape for life rather than an event? The problem with the thought process of getting into shape for an event is that we put amazing effort and thought, energy and planning into a specific time frame and when that time comes we almost explode at the mere thought that it is over. This is where the problem lies.
I liken this process to holding one’s breath. Sooner or later we have to come up for air! When that event is here and you are at that stage of fitting into that outfit and weighing that magical number on the scale from holding your breath (or abstaining from everything related to food) then it is like a massive relief and you inhale everything in sight only to sabotage all that hard work. I bet this sounds familiar to many reading this.
Isn’t it time we decided to get fit for life and not just for an upcoming event? Don’t get me wrong however, it is great to have an event as a goal to look and feel your best, but I do believe too many people place far too much emphasis upon a particular event to fit into a certain size and then blow all their hard work there after only to go back to a life of misery and dislike for their bodies. I talk to enough people daily who live in a body they hate. Yes; that’s right – hate. A harsh word I know, but you would be amazed how many people loathe their bodies and cover up only to feel total dislike for the body that houses their spirit and their being. Sad but true.
It is important to take a step outside the box occasionally and take a look at how we think about ourselves, our bodies and how this impacts upon our feelings, the way we treat ourselves and others. Being fit is one aspect of our health and wellbeing. Being healthy, eating well and a positive attitude about our bodies is a more realistic approach to being in shape, healthy and fit for life or forever which is far more important than merely for that one specific event.
It all starts with a positive mind set. In order to get ‘into shape’, we must firstly think about being fit, strong and healthy. Forget about the ‘diet’ mindset. This merely conjures up feelings of restriction and deprivation. Think regular consistent exercise and eating whole foods. By this, I mean natural unprocessed foods. It is also important to be hungry in your belly and not in your head. This is something that I believe we can all connect with. It is equally important to eat enough and not restrict or miss meals…this is where so many people fail; men and women alike. Getting it right can be a challenge, but like anything when you know how; it is down- right easy.
Don’t wait for that event. Get started today. Get fit for life.
Aine Farrell
Great article! I really appreciate the clear and detailed insights you’ve provided on this topic. It’s always refreshing to read content that breaks things down so well, making it easy for readers to grasp even complex ideas. I also found the practical tips you’ve shared to be very helpful. Looking forward to more informative posts like this! Keep up the good work!