If you could imagine yourself reaching your ‘potential’, what would that be? What would that mean to you? Most would think in terms of what kind of shape they would be in or even what kind of life they would be living, a career that is somewhat out of reach….the list is endless and so is our potential, if only we set about reaching ‘it’ the best way. This is where getting the right help is of utmost importance.
You see, the world over, successful people have coaches. Whether it be in elite sports, business, life, financial, academia and getting into shape. Humans work well with support and coaching in every facet of life. You only have to think back to your childhood days on the sporting field. You were on a team and you had a coach. The coach was your mentor, the person who worked on the tactics for the game and the person you looked up to for advice. The same applies to working on and reaching your potential at whatever you want that to be. If you want to become more successful and take your potential to a new level, it can be quite a bumpy road going alone and not having support, guidance and advice to get you there.
In a time when statistics of obesity and poor health are at alarming figures, many only dream of living in a body that is even half way to a true potential. In fact, creating change in one’s health, weight and fitness is the corner stone to reaching ‘true potential’. By this I mean that without your health you have little chance of achieving much in life. On a daily basis I coach people taking the challenge to improve their lives by working on better ways to move, to live, to eat and to create the positive change to really LIVE and then create a gateway to work on other areas of their lives. This is where coaching comes into play. In order to reach health and fitness goals, you need accountability. You need to have a constructive plan and you need to set real goals and have solid and sound advice in order to create lasting change.
It is so rewarding to see the results of clients every week, losing body fat, reshaping not only their bodies, but their lives in the process. The metamorphosis that takes place when someone reaches a goal, whether it be strength, weight, athletic achievement or getting off medication…..it is all awesome and so much more achievable when you have your hand held through the process. If you don’t start, you will never finish. If you do decide to start, do it the right way and get a coach.