It really is hard to believe it is Christmas time again. Each year really does seem to literally fly by! I think it is great to look back on each year and reflect on all the happenings; good, bad and indifferent. I feel privileged to work with people in the capacity of creating positive results in the area of health, fitness and wellbeing. It is really quite a thrill to see someone turn his/her life around by means of taking positive steps to improve diet, exercise and lifestyle habits.
Many people comment to me on a regular basis about this blog. I get phone calls, emails and people even stop me in the street to comment about a particular topic I have written and how it ‘struck a cord’ with them. We may each be different, but I have found over years of working with people in the area of health and fitness that many of us share the same struggles with body image, fitness, failing health due to lifestyle factors and weight issues. I constantly see people of varying degrees of the above. Some just need a ‘kick start’ and others struggle incessantly with life time habits that are glued to their DNA. The great news is that anyone can change even the hardest aspect of getting into shape! I have seen some amazing ‘turn-arounds’ and lifestyle changes that even leave me mesmerised.
So, what does it take to get into shape or even get started? The formula is like anything; when you know how it’s down right easy. It is really the getting started part that is hardest. I believe that one has to be ‘ready’ to make the necessary changes first and foremost. Many people have picked up the phone several times to call me only to ‘chicken out’ at the last moment. This is only natural as I am a very scary person! NOT….seriously however, it can be a daunting and very confronting task to change ingrained habits in one’s life and to take oneself outside of one’s comfort zone. AND I believe this is what it takes to a large degree. Once you get that bit out of the way, the rest is easy sailing! Having a solid and realistic plan of sound nutrition and exercise habits is paramount. As I say time and again; “you can exercise like an idiot, but if you don’t eat to support your body and its many intricate mechanisms, you won’t get results”.
With Christmas hot on our heels, I am bombarded with questions about what to eat and how to avoid ‘over doing it’. We seem to go into some sort of brain meltdown at Christmas and lose all notion of common sense. Christmas is so easy. Get up early – go for a walk, swim, run, surf or what ever it is you do. Big platter of fresh fruit and yoghurt with nuts and seeds (glass of champagne doesn’t go astray). Lunch is a cinch! Turkey, chicken, ham, pork or sea food – add lots of vegies or salad. Share a dessert or have fruit. Leftovers for dinner and how easy is that? Oh I forgot, DON’T eat all the chockie coated nuts and lollies and rubbish that seems to make its way into homes globally. DON’T have a second helping of pudding and DO you really need to get smashed by drinking way too much? This is of course intended for those of you who do care about your bodies and want to feel good! Last but not least enjoy the day, remember it is only one day and you don’t need to eat for an army or throw all your hard work out the window.
Merry Christmas!