Every week I speak to people about getting into shape, about getting fitter and most aspects of their general health. It becomes more apparent that so many are on the diet merry-go –round and are so confused as to what to do, eat or think when it comes to getting into shape, losing weight or improving general health. It is little wonder when we look at the amount of information and miss-information on the topics of diet, fitness and health that is available to us today.
Last week I spoke to two new clients who, upon initial consultations had told me they had been following a certain diet and exercise plan only to see zero results. Both of these people are intelligent professionals who, given a decision to make in business or a general matter would use both logic and intellect I am quite sure, however each were completely confused as to what to eat and how to make smart choices as far as lifestyle and exercise because they have read magazines and articles on these topics only to be bombarded with myriad information and miss-information….
What then do we believe? Do we follow any one of the zillions of ‘diets’ which may include anything from deleting certain foods at certain times, eating for your blood type, counting carbs, fat and kilojoules , eating while standing on your head and of course the over used term of ‘detoxing’? I mean this is utter rubbish really! It is any wonder that we get so confused. What about the healthy members of our community who are over 65 years of age? How did they get to where they are? I bet your parents and grandparents didn’t even know what a carbohydrate, calorie or maybe even their blood type was. I believe there are two words that sum up a huge proportion of our health issues including obesity and diseases such as diabetes and they are FOOD PROCESSING.
When a food is manufactured, processed, tampered with and has chemical additives and preservatives can it really be good for us? I think this is a pretty simple question with a pretty simple answer – of course NOT. The human body is such an amazing machine. Your body wants and likes being healthy, lean and in good shape along with a good level of fitness and strength. ANYONE can achieve this if you only give it a chance. Your body is a finely tuned machine which will drive you through life – LOOK AFTER IT. Don’t listen to here say and miss-information. Trust your intellect and keep it simple. This is a rule I try to adhere to. If your dietary and lifestyle regime are too hard to follow then guess what? You are not going to maintain or sustain it. Make changes that are based on common sense. By moving every day and choosing foods from natural REAL food and deleting anything processed (nutrient devoid stuffing) then you are more than half way there.
There really is no secret to getting and staying in shape. It really is simple by adhering to consistent exercise, a clean diet full of real nutrient rich natural foods, a good positive outlook and trusting in the process. Why complicate the uncomplicated?