Are you on track?
Well here we are – 2013.Remember only three weeks ago you were so committed to getting fit, losing some extra padding and giving up the chocolate, the wine, the biscuits……you pledged to walk every day and to fit into that pair of jeans or skirt you have had in the back of your wardrobe FOREVER!
So how is your new year’s resolution coming along? Are you reading this with a smile on your face feeling a tad proud of
your discipline and new found routine? Or are you sinking in your seat with the feeling of guilt about that Tim tam you had along with the extra piece of chocolate you took when no one else was looking? Remember, what you eat in private shows in public!
What is it then that makes some of us successful and some of us not so? Why can some people stay focused on their goals and some of us totally lose the plot? A good question with what I believe is a simple answer. Today more than ever, we have a multitude of information and miss-information on the topics of health, diet and fitness. We read this magazine and the next only to become more confused about what is the truth. Sure there are some reputable articles written on these topics and there is a lot of interesting information out there but I believe many people regardless of their IQ become totally illogical even irrational when it comes to getting into shape. If we believed everything we read, we would become terribly gullible. Surely, we need to use our common sense when sifting through the latest greatest diet, exercise or health claim. If it is backed by science or makes perfect common sense and you can utilise it for a life time rather than for a ‘quick fix’ then it most probably will work for you. Simple!
I believe many of us make the mistake of setting unrealistic goals and placing a lot of pressure upon ourselves to achieve ‘super human’ feats. Don’t get me wrong however; I have had clients lose upward of 50 and 60 kgs in total weight each. It is humanly possible and definitely within reach of ANYONE who is carrying this much and more in excess weight. I believe understanding and accepting what it takes is definitely half the battle! Like anything, when you know how…..it is downright easy.
So getting back to your initial new year’s resolutions…Did you set yourself an achievable goal of a balanced ‘clean diet’ or did you decide to eat carrot sticks for the month of January? Did you give yourself three weeks to lose 20kg or set more realistic goals for balanced fat loss? Did you decide to give up cigarettes but still drink three gin and tonics each day knowing full well you always have at least three cigarettes with your beloved drink? Get the picture? Setting goals and staying focused on them and making them become reality is not purely about will power. Sure there is a certain amount of discipline required for anything we do to work well. We apply different types of discipline daily in many areas of our lives and so I believe we can apply it to getting fit and healthy also. It is the way we think about it and the way we visualise and value ourselves and our own health and well being that really counts.
If we want to get into shape, we must firstly think about what we want. We should strive for getting into our ‘best’ shape and health, not just losing weight. I believe we need to focus on being strong, fit and healthy. We need to set our goals high – not unrealistic but high. Each and every person is capable and deserves to be his/her best. I believe it is a great help to write down your goals, your dreams and read them on a regular basis. Have a solid plan of attack and enlist some help or support if you need it. It is also important to have a plan if things go a bit ‘pear shaped’. I definitely believe one of the most important and testing situations when things do go a little pear shaped is to be able to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back on with it!
So how do you stand up? Are you on track? Is what you’re currently doing working for you? If not, then change it for the better. Write down your goals, aim high. Use your intellect and common sense and get help if you need it. Remember that life is not a dress rehearsal and if you don’t look after that one fabulous machine you have (your body) where on earth else are you going to live?